07 June 2007

Busy Hands...

I think there is some old-fashioned saying about "idle hands" being the devil's playground. Or something like that......at any rate, that statement has a modicum of truth to it. If you're stressed out, overworked & underpaid (aren't we all?), then why is it that sitting around doing nothing actually makes the stress worse?!?

The simplest solution to the problem, I've found, is to KEEP BUSY! And the most-enjoyable way I've found to stay occupied has since become a daily obsession. I knit!

I'm not JUST a knitter...I'm a wife, a mom of twin girls, and an at-home-full-time Domestic Goddess. But once the hubby is stretched out on the couch, well-fed, clean-clothed, remote in hand.....once the kids are happily playing with whatever is the favorite toy-du-jour.....then I am MORE than just Momma. I'm a knitter!

I started trying to knit a couple years before my kids were born. It just didn't click with my brain. I couldn't tell the difference between the knit side of a piece, and the purl side. It seemed hard & slow & frustrating.

And then one day--Voila! It clicked! I 'got it'--and all was right with the world. Suddenly my free moments were happily filled with click-clacking needles and fabulously colored yarns. My house started to fill up with hand-knit "stuff"--and my stress levels dropped. Life was good.

Life IS good. And I will attempt to pass on some simple knitting ideas and whatnot to anyone interested in reading this blog....why not? It's free, and fun, and nothing beats sharing with others!

Knit one, purl two, smile three..............and keep crafting!

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