09 June 2007

Knit One, Purl Two...Meditate!

So what do you do when life hands you lemons? Make lemonade? Ha--hardly. I know very few people who react calmly, rationally & patiently to added stress in their lives. Most of us have varying reactions--screaming, arguing, crying, throwing things...are just a few of the possibilities.

I've found, when my kids are driving me nuts, and my husband comes home from work & tries to push me even farther over the edge, there's only one answer....start knitting! (Assuming dinner has been cooked, eaten & cleaned-up after, that is!)

I love nothing more than sitting down in my favorite recliner, putting my feet up, & reaching for my yarn basket. Doesn't matter what I knit--just that I KNIT! Which is one of the reasons those "Simple Squares" I posted below are so popular with me right now--they're completely mindless, but really feel like I've accomplished something.

Even doctors, scientists, and those "in the know" are now saying it--meditation works! And knitting can be a real form of meditation. You get very wrapped up in the simple action of knitting, purling, etc....and before you know it--half the evening has passed. You'll have created something, and spent time NOT thinking about the day's stressors. And that's worth more than it's weight in gold--yarn, that is. :)

So pick up those needles & some fabulous yarn--and get crackin'! You'll make something AND feel better about life in the process. Who could ask for anything more?!?!?

Knit one, Purl two, Smile three..............and Keep Crafting!!!

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